Top 5 Reasons To Love Chuggers

June 16, 2014 § Leave a comment

Face to face fundraising, chugging* if you will, has been copping a battering in the Australian media of late. The criticism, as often happens has been that it’s expensive (which is incorrect), the people who do it are not Australian (partially true, but not through want of trying), and that people find it annoying. This last point is the one that really matters, it completely subjective and so requires no rationalisation. It’s also the opposite of the way people should feel about this form of fundraising. Face to face is a fantastic thing for Australia to do and have and we should be proud. So here is a quick list of the reasons why Australian’s should all love chuggers.

1) Its turned Australia into a nation of super heroes

This isn’t an exaggeration, face to face fundraising is responsible for raising billions of dollars. Those billions of dollars save lives. From malaria treatments to meningitis vaccinations. From disaster relief to campaigning against honour killings. The money that face to face fundraising has raised has enabled charities to do much, much, MUCH more good in the world.

Australia like to think of itself as a generous country, but this is because we have face to face fundraising.

In CAF’s 2013 Five year World Giving Index, Australia came second most giving nation. The index is marked on recency, frequency of participation in three categories:

  • Helping a stranger
  • Volunteering
  • Donating money

Although Australia is a fairly good all rounder the thing that keeps us up the top of the charts is that lots and lots of us give money regularly. Lets be clear, getting this many people to give this way is ONLY possible because of face to face. In 2013 an estimated 200,000 people started giving to a charity because of F2F. That’s close to a percentage point of the population of Australia and WAY over if you consider the people face to face doesn’t ask to donate because they are too young, or not in a position to donate. That sort of growth is something that we should celebrate as a nation. Not only are we pretty bloody generous already, but we’re getting substantially more generous every year… because of face to face
Not only has face to face meant more donations to charity and more people giving, but its revolutionised the type of people who give. Before face to face most donors were around retirement age. Generationally this proved a problem as, you know, older people die sooner. Face to face starts people off as donors when they’re young and helps them engage with making the world better when they’re in their 20s. This is a fantastic sign for the future of the country. It’s habit forming if someone is engaging and donating at such a comparatively young age, they are more likely to do so when they’re older. Face to face is building a nation of people who actively contribute to making the world a better place. It also means that there’s kids today have every right to cock a snook at their parents and grandparents generation.

2) It is really effective for the charity

There is really no comparison. Face to face brings in more donors, more reliably than any other form of fundraising. Advances in fundraising concepts like on line advocacy and two-step asks, we are really just playing around the margins. Face to face is the only way to get people to make a transformational difference. Some of the comments on the recent media articles have been from people working in very small organisations saying that they never pay fundraisers. Small organisations do amazing work and when I say the next sentence, it is in no way disparaging to them. However, a small organisation will only ever make small amounts of change. To scale up requires growth and that, pretty much always requires investment.

If face to face DIDN’T exist what would the alternatives be? Direct mail fundraising growing to such a level where every charity has to mail everyone they can all the time? If you consider face to face fundraising to be an annoying methodology, would you prefer to be receiving three or four letters from charities every day which you throw straight in the bin? No one has ever said “I wish I got more letters asking me for money”. As a methodology face to face has the same emotional impact, positive or negative of other forms of asking people for mone. On top of this the break even point for a donor recruited by direct mail at the moment is two and a half times as long as on the streets, more competition would only drag his out.

3) Human to human is morally the best way to fundraise

One of the arguments for Face to Face fundraising that I absolutely disagree with is that the end justifies the means. This suggests that the act of asking in person is bad. Its not, its the best way of asking.

Firstly there is the fact that the it feels great to give in this way.

When we give money, we get a great rush of endorphins that makes us less stressed, more happy and feeling A1 awesome! This is an effect best felt in the company of others and unless you plan on filling in donation forms by yourself in the middle of a mall, Face to Face offers you a chance to feel this good in public.

Secondly by having a human in front of you, you have a chance to ask questions and get the espouse in the easiest possible way. Fundraisers may not have all the answers, but they will know the many of the most common. Talking to a chugger will save you hunting round a website for it (and lets be honest, you wouldn’t get round to doing this anyway).

Thirdly, by having fundraisers out in them out in the street or coming to your door also means that you are prompted to do it. The number of people who give to charity without prompting is minuscule, less than 1% of the people who give when asked. If we relied on people’s knee jerk generosity only 1% of the good works the Australian public does would happen.

4) Paying people to raise money is an excellent thing

When I was working as a fundraiser on the streets, people would regularly shout at me to get a proper job. This always seemed an odd opinion to me. What constitutes a proper job. Admittedly face to fundraising isn’t something that requires a degree or formal apprenticeship, but there are many jobs like this. Surely objectively as an unskilled occupation raising money to make the world a better place is more noble than working at a fast food restaurant flipping burgers? As casual employment there are few things as worthy as fundraising.

Also, to counter one of the arguments that’s often levelled against it, no one does it for the money. It doesn’t pay anywhere near as well as any job that doesn’t involve the word “charity”. (I’m not going to argue the reasons why this shouldn’t matter here, instead I’ll just link to Dan Pallotta again.) And when you consider the amount of abuse people who do the job receive, they are certainly not remunerated as well as they should be for doing a good thing.

5) The worst thing you can say about it is that you don’t like it

Perhaps the most common complaints that have come up in the media or to me in person is that they just don’t like it. To be honest people are entitled to any opinion they want. All those people who smile at you and ask you to help the world out. How dare they, how DARE they. Here is a pro tip for people who don’t like face to face fundraisers, ignore them.

If you feel you are doing your part, that’s ok. Don’t stop and talk. If you feel that you’re not doing enough to make the world a better place, but really would rather not do any more, that’s ok too. Don’t stop and talk, you have lost precisely nothing. If you are someone that would like to make more of a difference in the world, but are in a hurry or a bad mood or simply not in a position to do more at the moment, it’s still ok not to stop and talk to them. But why would you want to stop people who want to give from being given the opportunity to give money. Why create a scenario where someone’s life is NOT saved because you don’t like not talking to someone.

Face to face fundraising is a wonderful thing with wonderful consequences. As a nation we should embrace it and the hard working people who do it. Stop using anti-face to face rhetoric as a way to fill slow news days and start telling stories the wonderful work done by Australian charities and NGOs. Negative media doesn’t stop people signing up, but it does make politicians think they should start talking about legislating against it. This is a real risk and one that as an industry we should take seriously. But first lets talk about why it’s fantastic, let’s celebrate the most important fundraising methodology of our time.

*I use the term chugger here in my efforts to reclaim the world. The word obviously isn’t going away. One day I hope that we can use the word “chugger” without confusing asking people for money for a good cause and physically assaulting people for personal gain.

10 Quick Tips for a Gold Standard Welcome Call Program

April 16, 2014 § 1 Comment

Not long after I started Face to Face fundraising I visited “the office”. I give it s quotation marks to make it clear that although it may conjure up visions of a highly professional inner city space, it was in fact a friendly but slightly dingy space above an old  theatre. I was told that the people here conducted the “welcome calling”- calling the people who I had signed up and making sure that I hadn’t forced them into it. I’m not sure if this was intended as a shock tactic, but it worked as one. Welcome calling probably started as a reactive measure; a relatively cheap but effective way to weed out the worst of the pledges before they go to the client. But the best welcome calling programs use it to do drive improvements in their face to face programs. I’ve seen slight improvements on the welcome call produce significant culture changes and retention improvements very quickly. In the post below I’ve collected the 10 most important elements from the different programs I’ve seen over the years.

1. Get the right people calling

Here’s a universal truth for you. Hire the right people for the job. (I promise the insights will become more er…insightful after this one).  Rather than high turn over of F2F staff,  the best welcome call rooms not only have had leaders/managers who have lasted for years but the callers as well. Hiring is obviously a great skill to have, but look at your call centre team as an afterthought. HINT! Ex face to facers can be a good starting point.

2. Prepare them in the right way

Make them love the fundraisers and the charity. The callers need to understand how F2F works in full. They have to know the difference between a fundraiser convincing and a fundraiser pushing someone to sign up. They need to know that the fundraisers are good people doing great work while also recognising that the charities have longevity requirements to make this form of fundraising work.  Give them the same level of charity training you would give to the fundraisers (and make sure that the charity training them know what they do) and get them trained by the fundraisers to know what’s happening.

3. Time it right

Don’t be too soon or too late after sign up. The worst welcome call program I ever seen was based around the fundraisers calling into a phone room at point of sign up. Imagine standing there with a fundraiser while on the phone to his “head office”. Would you be able to give them an honest answer about your commitment? Receiving the call 2-10 days later gives the donor a chance to think about it. If they’re given the time for their initial enthusiasm to die down and they still want to donate, you have a much better chance of having a long term giver. Conversely if you leave it too long, their connection to the emotions you felt at sign up are less like to be as fresh. They might not even remember signing up.

4. Maximise Penetration

It’s important to try and speak to as many people as possible. The effectiveness of your welcome call is directly proportionate to the number of sign ups you speak to. If you consistently speak to 20% of your signed up donors, your fundraisers will know that they can get away with doing the wrong thing 50% of the time and never be found out. You need to create a panopticon to make this work.

5. Frame it as a real welcome

Some people may think that the only thing the donor gets out of the welcome call is a chance to change their mind,. but it can be so much more. This is a real opportunity to make them feel amazing about a donation. Tell them they are awesome. Tell them how big a difference they are making. Celebrate the donation and the donor.

6. Verify as much as possible

There is an admin side to the call. For people with oddly spelled names this is their opportunity to make sure they are not referred to as Mr Dgunan for their donation lifetime. Also make sure you have the email address spelled correctly, they’re correct postal address and date of birth. Even though these things aren’t the most emotional topic, they will help you connected with your donors in the future.

7. Ask… don’t tell

Please, in this situations let’s agree that “… and the fundraiser told you that you should be giving for the next two years” will tell you much less than “did the fundraiser talk to you about how long you should give for”?

8. Be prepared to loose sign ups

Post-sales dissonance is a thing. Accept that many people will change their mind for no real reason other than that they changed their mind. The cancellations you receive will ultimately improve the quality of the gifts you export.

9. Follow up the scientific and the anecdotal

If done properly, the welcome call will get rid of the worst 10% of donors from any given file. This is obviously a step in the right direction as it will improve the donor retention statistics. But there is so much data you are collecting from a program like this it shocks me how few organisations just leave it there. There are two ways in which you’ll learn from welcome calling. Firstly the scientific. If a fundraiser has a lot of cancels at welcome call, you should probably have a talk to them. This is a data driven (ie GREAT!) way of learning. But there’s more, the anecdotal, you will be amazed how much information the question “how was the fundraiser” gets you. On it’s own it may not prove a fundraiser is a wrong ‘un, but it will give you more training tips than you can imagine and leader the fundraiser to improve.

10. The Greater the Transparency, The better the result

If you were to describe any successful F2F fundraiser I would be shocked if “competitive” didn’t come up in the first couple of words you used. Embrace this. If they can see what people are saying about them and their colleagues, they will want to be the best. Highlight the good, highlight the bad and show it to everyone. Almost immediately s they’ll be competing to outdo each other for the best representative (if they don’t, fire them). It will also remind them that their interactions with the public are checked out, thus improving their compliance.

Top 5 Questions to Ask Before starting an Regular Giving Program

March 20, 2014 § Leave a comment

Over the past few months I’ve been talking to a few different people from smaller organisations about regular giving.  As the advantages of an RG program as opposed to just cash gifts are clear, adding the option rightly comes up quite early in the life cycle of an organisation. So how do you know if you’re ready and what should you look into early on?  Here are the most basic questions I think you should ask yourself:

1)      Can we run an RG program? This is perhaps the most obvious point, but an incredibly important one.  Really it comes down to two things, capabilities and capacity.  You don’t want to be in a position that you’re trying to play catch up with systems when you’re already going.   My short and non-comprehensive check list of the basics would read.

  • Capabilities: Do your systems allow for people to give reoccurring gifts? Can you track who has made them and who has not?  Can you give accurate tax receipts to people?  Is this an incredibly manual process that is going to take up all your time and stop your organisation achieving its main goals?
  • People: Do you have the resources to administer it.  Related to the above point, most technology will require some level of human processing. In addition a regular donor is likely to feel more involved with your organisation and will have the right to have any questions or enquiries answered in a timely fashion.  Generally speaking the bigger and or newer the the program the more incoming issues your likely to have. So don’t try to grow too quickly.

2)      Do we have a decent proposition to recruit people as regular givers?  This isn’t necessarily hard to figure out, it can be your ongoing work and overall goals, just make sure it isn’t timed or too specific. A good formula to think of is “support x so we can y in years to come”, rather than “support x so we can z next year”.  Also work out how you’re going to communicate with your donors, if you don’t tell them how awesome they are and how much their money is helping, then they won’t give it to you for very long.

3)      What’s out recruitment strategy? I’m going to help you with this one, because the answer is always the same, start small and grow slowly.  If you grow slowly then you have the opportunity to work the teething problems you will inevitably encounter while they remain small in volume.  Secondly think about who  you are going to ask and when?  I’m also going to help you with this one.  Ask the people closest to you first then work your way out. Realistically the best people to ask to become Regular Givers are the ones who are already giving to you in some way.  Ask them in the most personal way in which you have capacity for. In the smallest of programs this could be a phone call from you. I know that you’re awesome so you’ll be really successful.  Then when you’ve asked the people who you know best, try some of the people who you know a bit, they might have asked for information from you but not given you money, most people won’t give until you ask them, so ask them. When you’ve exhausted everyone you know then you might want to think about recruiting people you don’t know.

4)      What should our recruitment budget be? Before answering this, go back to the previous questions and answer that.  Don’t be concerned with having a “budget” of any sort before you’ve tried all the stuff that’s essentially free. Then when those people have been exhausted work your way through all the cheaper stuff with a slightly wider circle of people who know you fairly well and when you are absolutely ready start speaking to people outside your circles.  Speak to a few agencies, because if you’re at a stage where you have to describe yourself as small in any sense you’re probably not going to be able to run a program in house. Get a few quotes and find someone you want to work with and who wants works with you. If you’re thinking of getting into F2F make sure you have a lot of money to invest (an excellent presentation by friend of the Blog Peter Coleman of Public Outreach Australia and new friend of the blog Alice suggested $300,000 as the minimum spend – which seems a valid figure, but understand that that doesn’t include what you would be laying out in resources on your own end and you will need to be planning to spend that year on year to make it really work).  Given this, it would be a really unusual circumstance where you’re looking to start F2F in the first few years you’ve been running regular giving.

5)      Am I holding back without good reason?  The biggest thing stopping us from pushing forward our programs is often our own fear of change.  A regular giving program will almost certainly give your organisation a huge amount of benefits, predictable income,  steady growth and so on.  However RG will not be the right decision and and for many more now will not be the right time. That said if you can see a glimmer of hope that you can make it work, stop reading this blog and start putting the pieces together to make it happen. A solid regular giving program is a wonderful thing.

Getting Advocacy and Fundraising Propositions To Play Nice

January 8, 2014 § 1 Comment

For some organisations, training phone or F2F teams on a proposition is comparatively easy. They have a simple idea which will work pretty much forever; give us $25 p/m and we’ll save someone’s sight each month or $30 month buys rations  for a family in an disaster area. Campaigning organisations however are often working on things that have a time defined outcome. Maybe they are campaigning to free a prisoner of conscience or stop a liquefied natural gas hub being built on one of the most beautiful parts of the world.  There are a number of potential benefits with mixing advocacy and dialogue fundrasing, increased media exposure and public knowledge, greater urgency in the ask, but there are just as many potential pitfalls.

So how do you choose what to get them to talk about?  Here are 5 simple rules to help you decide on what you should guide your dialogue fundraisers to.

Do People Care

The first thing to think about is how good the story is. There needs to be something in danger, it needs to be a thing that a lot of people will care about (no one would give to a campaign to save the plastic tags on loaves of bread) and the donor needs to be the hero of the story.


Fundraisers will need to explain the issue in simple terms and very quickly. I care passionately about the role new economics plays in creating a better future, but I can’t explain sufficiently to get people to care about it in less than half an hour. Ideally you want a story that can be told in 30 second.


It’s common for advocacy campaigns have a lot of two-ing and froing, highs, lows, victories and setbacks all the way throughout their life cycles. Sadly for fundraising purposes this is a pain in the bum.  If a campaign is going to be evolving every month, the fundraisers will have to write a new script every month.  This makes it harder for them to hone it down and easier to loose track of what they’re supposed to be saying.


A paradox exists that when campaigns come closer to their point of victory or defeat (hopefully victory) the greater the urgency proposition and the more successful it will be in winning people over. However, once the victory has been won, donor can loose a little of their anchor to the organisation.  If you’re looking for a long term gift then this presents a problem.  On top of this, you’ll have to largely tear up the script that your fundraisers have been using, which will frustrate the hell out of them and can hurt results.

Similarity to Other Work

If the topic you pick is similar to other projects your organisation works on then it should be easier to transition the dialogue teams and the donors to the new topic. Pick something that has transferable themes and aligns strongly with your core values.

Do The Fundraisers Care?

Perhaps above all else you need to make sure that the fundraisers care about what they’re talking about.  All dialogue fundraising works because the fundraiser is using their enthusiasm to build enthusiasm in the potential donor.  Your organisation may see one campaign as a priority, you may think that its something that resonates with donors, but if the people actually doing the asking don’t care, your fundraising campaign will be dead in the water.

Getting fundraising and advocacy to be nice to each other is possible and it can be very successful, but remember that the fundraisers priority needs to be raising the funds.

Analysing Cancelation Reasons

April 16, 2013 § Leave a comment

A couple of posts ago I looked at donor’s pathway to cancelling. The next stage to look at the reasons they give us for cancelling and what that tells us about our program.   One issue with this is that people don’t always tell you the real reason why they cancel.  We know this because we never get told that they’re cancelling because I’ve never seen the cancellation reason “Thinking about it for a while because I doesn’t really feel that inspired, then got out of bed on the wrong side and opened an electricity bill.” People tell us what they feel ok with telling us. Its not often that they feel ok with telling us that they don’t really care anymore.

But although they may feel bad about telling us the whole truth, we should never judge them for the reasons they stop giving.  People do not cancel because they have suddenly turned evil. There are influences that have lead to this cancellation which are within your control (change these), and there influences that are outside of your control (don’t sweat about these). Never get upset with ex donors. Its not their fault

Anyway, here’s an interpretation of cancellation reasons and what they might be saying about your program.

“My financial circumstances have changed” – 90% of the time their financial circumstances have not changed, the donor is just trying to let you down gently.  It’s the RG version of “its not you, its me”, in that it’s very definitely you, they just don’t want to break your heart by telling you you’re boring or your breath smells.  What that generally equates to in charity terms is that they don’t think you’re worth the money their giving you.  If your getting a large number of people cancelling early for this reasons tends to mean that they didn’t really want to give to you in the first place and you should look at your recruitment channels. Maybe F2F fundraisers are not engaging people enough or worse, signing up people who don’t really want to give. If people are still dropping off in big numbers after the first few months it means that you’re not communicating with them well enough.  You need to tell them how great they are, how much of a difference they are making and do it more frequently.  Incidentally this accounts for a large percentage of most cancellations files across most charities I’ve seen.  It’s terrifying to know that we are loosing people because of reasons which are relatively easily fixed.

“I’m a Student/Pensioner” – A more specific reason, and likely to be true, but not necessarily telling you what you need to know. It’s easy to make the leap to thinking that they shouldn’t have been recruited, but that’s not quite the case.  It means that they were being recruited in a way which didn’t make them feel the program was right for them.  It could be that they were recruited at a donation level that was too high, or they felt that their donation was too small to make a difference.  It could be that, as with the “financial circumstances” they weren’t engaged enough. Again this could be a reason with the recruitment channel, but it might not be as simple as bringing on the wrong people, they might be bringing them on in the wrong way.

“I’ve just become unemployed/I’m going traveling for a year” – This is completely out of your control sadly, but it if it’s any consolation getting this means that your doing your job.  By telling you that it’s a limited period of time that they wont be able to give for, they  are keeping the door open for giving to you in the future. Invite them to stay on email lists and certainly flag them for reactivation programs.

“I don’t like this thing your organisation did” – Going back to the Buckaroo theory of cancellation, this must have been the last of several straws.   Komen for the Cure’s withdrawal of support for Programs with Planned Parenthood programs  is a recent and well known example of this. When decisions are made  that move away from an organisations’ normal operations or values, they are usually made at high level and with the understanding that this will upset some of your supporter base.  This hopefully gives you time to plan a clear and concise explanation of the charities actions that can be communicated to supporters.   The other side of the coin is if people are coming into your organisation with false expectations about what you are or what you does. One of the reasons why clarity of message is so important in the recruitment process.

Terrible ideas for Face to Face programs thought up by people who clearly have never done any face to face

March 19, 2013 § Leave a comment

During my time as an account manager for a face to face agency I learned that all new client contacts would go through a similar journey at the start of their tenure.  They would start off over compensating for their initial discomfort in working with F2F. They would eulogise about the benefits and even offer to go out and campaign with the team (although when push came to shove this rarely happened). This enthusiasm is really positive and should only be encouraged, but the stage that followed was just a little awkward.

After 3-6 months they would often try to start suggesting “innovations” to the program.  There is nothing wrong with innovation, but the issue was that these “improvements” would never make sense to anyone with any experience of the practicalities of running a team of Fundraisers on the street. Oddly their seemed to be a psychic connection between these clients that forced them to suggest the same ideas one after the other.  So if you are new to your job running an F2F program, please take note not to suggest the ideas below, this will save you uncomfortable exasperated conversations with you account managers.

Balloons and/or sweets

A fairly innocuous one to start with. The idea behind it seems to be a way of attracting children to a shopping Centre stall.  If the children are there then they surely the parents will want to stick around, listen to the pitch and sign up. The first comes from the assumption that parents want their children to accept candy from strangers, generally the opposite is advised. Accusations of bribery are also likely to follow and you’ll be lucky to find a shopping centre that wants its aisles covered in deflated balloons or sweet wrappers. Last but not least, public liability insurers tend to look unfavourably on the use of compressed gas and choking hazards around members of the public.

Thank you for listening cards

There is some logic behind this.  It’s certainly true that a large number of people ask for more information on the streets and so giving them a reminder pointing them to a website might work.  Sadly though, of the people who ask for more information, most are just doing it to politely get out of the conversation and have no intention of ever giving to your charity. Of the rest some will want to sign up when given a little more information from the fundraiser and those with a genuine desire to do some deep research will do so without a card to remind them.  What the thank you for listening card does do is give the fundraiser, especially a new one, a false sense of success. When asked how they’re doing, they tell you that they’ve had a brilliant day because although they haven’t signed anyone up, eh have given out 400 cards.  Thank you for listening cards do have a couple of great uses however; for handing to people who are inappropriate to sign up while leaving them on a good note and for getting rid of time wasters

Funky pitch cards

Pitch cards, for those who don’t know, are an A3 or A4 laminated cards used help Fundraisers out when they can’t remember what they’re supposed to say next or to point at for emphasis. They’re simplicity sadly makes them ripe for pointless reinvention attempts.  There have been a variety of things tried which remind me of early attempts to redesign airplanes, you know the ones that have 14 sets of wings stacked on top of each other and look really impressive for 3 seconds before they crash and burn killing all on board. To my knowledge no ones ever been killed by a pitch card, but the heroic failure can’t be counted, even with my socks off.  I’ve seen pitch cards with intricate folding mechanisms that make it impossible for the fundraiser to open.  I’ve seen pitch booklets that allow the fundraiser to choose a variety of topics to talk about, if they can convince the donor to stick around long enough for them to find the write page. Pitch cards with interchangeable sheets sounded like a cost effective way of keeping them up to date before it was realised that interchangeable was a synonym for easily losable.

Other innovations that crop up quite frequently include getting the agency to Fundraisers “interesting” locations like music festivals (the people who chose talking to fundraisers over spending time with their friends or watching band are rarely sober or serious).  Suggesting changes to the agency’s payment model that would see the agency go under in a week while favouring the client.  One of the few ideas from a client I really liked was when a client told me that account manager role we were recruiting for was drastically underpaid and we wouldn’t find anyone decent for that salary. Although on second thoughts this was maybe a comment on my skills.

There is also a special place in hell left for the client who revises their “product” without warning or consultation, but that in itself will get its own post.

As mentioned at the top of the article, innovation is a good thing, as is that naive optimism that generated these is also to be encouraged.  It only becomes a problem when the client enforces a bad idea on an agency.  Working collaboratively with them will see much better results for all involved.

In-House Vs Agency

February 19, 2013 § 1 Comment

Due to the high cost of recruitment  a suggestion often made by senior management is to bring a Face to Face fundraising program in house.  The general conversation seems to run along the lines of “hire some back packers, get them out on the street and it’ll be as good as what we have at the moment but cheaper, more reliable and we’ll have more control over it”. This argument is flawed in a very large number of ways, as well as being really quite disrespectful to the people who have devoted their careers to making F2F work. In case you’re ever in a position where someone in your senior management team suggests bringing the program in house, keep this guide handy so you can smack their arguments down quickly and efficiently.

Recruiting Fundraisers is hugely difficult

Let’s say you’re lucky enough to have recruited a person to who is experienced enough to run your team but not so burnt out  that the thought of ever asking someone for money again terrifies the hell out of them. The first thing you’re going to have to do is find someone for them to work with. Recruiting new fundraisers is one of the most frustrating things in the universe. Very few people wake up in the morning and decide that they’re going to apply for F2F fundraising jobs that day. You have to sell the idea to them in the advert. When you find an advert that seems gets respondents, the respondents will often turn out to be unsuitable. When you find an advert that gets decent respondents one week, you can run it again the following week and no one will respond.  Also be prepared to do this in perpetuity. If you ever get to a point where you think that you have “enough” Fundraisers, you’ll still need to recruit or you will find that the on you had have suddenly all gone and you have no one again.  This process will cost you lots more money than you realise and far more heartache than you ever thought necessary.

The only organisations who have made an in house fundraising team work in Australia to scale are ones that have in-built or adoped recruitment mechanisms for recruiting fundraisers. Greenpeace, The Wilderness Society and UNHCR have all succeeded done this in Australia, for different reasons.  Greenpeace and TWS have a cultural cache built from their public engagement for the last few decades. UNHCR have understandably strong connections to refugee and recent immigrant communities who often face a lot of prejudice when looking for employment. This means that their F2F team often pick up highly intelligent and incredibly skilled people who may have struggled to find work in more conventional sectors.  I’m sure this alone doesn’t make their recruitment a walk in the park, but it helps. Another overseas example of an in house success story was started when one of the charity’s main suppliers going under and the charity hired the entire work force. They were such a large organisation that they were able to sustain the recruitment costs needed to keep a team.

Managing an F2F team is REALLY hard

When you have some fundraisers on board, do not underestimate how much time, effort and pain will be required to keep them out there signing people up. F2F has a ridiculous staff turnover for a reason. The Fundraisers will spend all day in rain, sleet, heat, hail and wind being told “no”.  This means they either resign soon after they start or they are crazy. Crazy is perhaps a little harsh, but in order to survive they will need the following qualities

  • Headstrong (this means they will only do what you ask them to if they agree with it)
  •  Excellent negotiation skills (they will practice this by negotiating every single possible issue with you)
  •  Passionate about the cause (if they are passionate about the cause they tend to be passionate about everything in their life, to the extent that their results will stop should at the slightest thing happen in their personal lives. E.g. One fundraiser stopped getting results because he couldn’t decide what he wanted to get his girlfriend for a birthday present)
  • Inspirational (they affect other people, not just when they’re pitching either. If one person is having a bad day, it’s likely everyone will have a bad day

It’s not just about the Fundraisers

If you are running an in house program purely for financial reasons, it’s unlikely that you have taken into account what goes on in the background. Before the Fundraisers go out they’ll need locations and permits booked.  You’ll need staff to enter the data or at least verify it. You’ll want welcome calls meaning more cost internally or outsourced.

You’ll loose flexibility

One of the great advantages of an agency is that when things aren’t going well, they’re likely to be able to move capacity onto you campaign from somewhere else.  If you have an in-house program you’ll never have this option.  You can increase your recruitment budget, but that doesn’t guarantee an increase in recruitment.

It’s not likely to solve your problem

This is the real kicker.  There are plenty of good reasons for starting an in house team, (some willing subjects with which to test new methodologies, a gang of experienced F2fFers knocking down your door in a desperate need to work for you) but they’re rarely themain reason for starting one. More often than not it’s to substitute for a lack of available capacity or a need for more consistency in results. In house teams provide no guarantee of this. This isn’t to say that they can’t be found in an in house team, but there no correlation with their in-house/outsources status. Good teams are good teams no matter who employs them. The main difference is that an agency is far more likely to be able to deliver you a good team in less time than starting one yourself, completely from scratch.

Balancing average pledge

February 6, 2013 § Leave a comment

As a fundraiser working for an agency I was very concerned with retention.  Our efforts for recruiting a higher percentage led us to looking at the effects of pledge amount.  We found what most of you reading would expect, that generally. The more you give, the more likely you are to cancel sooner. As we prided ourselves on giving our donors the best return on their investment we then worked hard and successfully on reducing our average pledge.  The followed a positive impact on retention and our clients were generally happy; on top of the improved retention a drop in average place in F2F generally also means a cheaper cost per donor.

However one thing that I didn’t realise at the time was medium term effect of a lower average pledge. The first, most important and perhaps most surprising that a lower average pledge means it takes longer to break even on a cohort of donors. There are a number of assumptions that are involved in this statement, and feel free to challenge any of them, but the evidence I’ve seen for myself plus the anecdotal evidence, backs it up. Assuming that the recruitment cost is based on donation amounts with a retention clawback or built in, assumed discount. Assuming that the reduced gift means that there is a relatively consistent attrition level across all donation rates. And assuming that the improved attrition isn’t more than say 10% better at year one. The reason for this is that there is less money coming in in “profit” from the donors who passed the break even point. The reduction in pledge is necessarily caused by a lowers targets across the board, meaning it stops donors signing up for more than they can afford or care to give, but it also lowers the amount that people who could afford to give more, give less.

On top of this, the reduced pledge means reduced overall income and, to rub salt into the wound, less financial gain from upgrades.  As an RG fundraiser, the frustration felt from these issues is only topped by the knowledge that this is only a medium term problem and you’re actually getting better value for money. Regular giving is all about the long term. It may take you six months longer to break even and be running a $10,000 under budget, but you know in two years time this will have paid off, probably several times over.

So what’s more important here? Higher initial income or more donors down the track. The slightly dull answer is somewhere that you need to find balance that works for you and you’re suppliers. They know that a high average pledge will mean higher attrition and less work for them in the long run, so they’re likely to work with you to try and keep it in boundaries that work for both you and them. It’s also important to remember that constantly pushing the pledge amounts down won’t increase retention after a certain point.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Framing Donation

January 8, 2013 § 2 Comments

Creating a connection between donor and charities is the greatest influencer of retention at point of recruitment. But not far behind that lies the way in which that donation is framed. The language used during recruitment, qualifications used to select donors and the way any longevity objections are handled directly influence how far along the bell curve of attachment a donor sits. Here are some of Dos and don’ts of donation frames.

Do – Get the donor to sign some sort of commitment to longevity at point if recruitment. A common example of this is the commitment on a F2F form where a donor signs a pledge to give for at least two years. It’s not a contract but it gets the donor to think about the donation in terms which turn a decent return for the charity. Also it should reduce the number of people who sign up with the idea of only giving for a short while.

Don’t – Limit the donation length with this commitment. Sadly it’s really easy to frame the commitment in a limiting way. Phrases such as “you only have to give for two years” or “it’s just a two year donation” make it sound as if it is a burden that the donor will only have to endure for a relatively short period of time. After that, the world will be saved and the donor has “done their bit”. It’s the opposite of what their RG should be; it’s a joyful contribution to a cause the donor believes in and the languages used should reinforce this framing  In addition by suggesting that the gift only goes on for a limited time, cancelling becomes a question of when, rather than if.

Do – Frame the case for support as something won’t that be solved overnight. Although its important to use pressing cases and current issues to encourage people to  join  today rather than putting it off, any such examples must be put in context of the wider work your organisation does. For instance if there has been a recent disaster your charity has responded to explain the work that you did but be clear that you’ve responded to that disaster; what you need is money for future disasters whenever they arrive.

Don’t – Let people off when they say they’d like to give for a limited amount of time. In one to one recruitment it’s common for people to let the recruiter know they’re going to cancel before the pledge breaks even. It could be that they’re an International student, people they change charities every year or they just aren’t that into your cause. Although the minimum term commitment will catch most of these it’s sadly relatively easy for a fundraiser to get around it, if their unscrupulous enough.

Do – Counter the above objections. If someone does not have the ability to give long term, direct them to other forms of donation.  If they are wavering whether or not they really care enough, put them on the spot.  Be clear your looking for long term supporters, ones there for the long haul.

Don’t – Say cancel. Ever. It’s the original sin of fundraising. It primes a donor to do just that, quickly and without caring for the repercussions

The Bell Curve of Giving A Toss

November 28, 2012 § 1 Comment

The most important metrics in regular giving are retention percentages.  They determine ROI, income, donor numbers and pretty therefore pretty much what your organisation is going to be able to achieve in the next few years.   The biggest single influence on attrition rates is recruitment source.  Sadly, a lot of internal NGO conversation seems to stop there.  However F2F teams and agencies the world over, have spent enormous amounts of time and resourcing trying to work out why this is.  The main answer that they seem to come up with is that source reflects and/or influences donors engagement with the organisaion.  

Ability and Desire… again

You may have read in a previous post that a bit too much attention is paid towards demographics of the donors being recruited. Income, age and location do carry some weight. But the reality of the situation is the number of people who cancelling because they really cannot afford to give any donation to you is very small.  What’s much more important is how much they care about the work you do. 

Giving a Toss

It’s the amount of love, not the amount of money that a donor is giving that determines their how long they’re likely to give for.  If they really care about what you do then when they decide to start saving for a home, they’ll make room for the $25 a month in their budget.  If they loose their job then they’ll reduce or put their donation on hold while they look around for a new position if they value their donation to your organisation highly enough.


Everyone is an individual and so everyone who responds to recruitment ask will therefore respond in a different way.  This means that every recruitment methodology is likely to recruit a cohort of donors whose engagement with your organisation looks a little like a bell.  There will be a small amount who care a lot, a small amount who hardly care at all (I have no idea why these people sign up, but they always seem to) and a big chunk of people in the middle.  The exact contours of your bell curve will vary depending on source, but they will probably all take a similar shape.

Prove It

I can’t.  And this is the most difficult thing basing a concept on something as unmeasureable as emotion.  Like a black whole, you can see the effects of it (on retention rather than gravitational pull), but you can’t actually see the thing itself. If demonstrating it to yourself is impossible, then imagine how hard it’s going to be to the board.

So why bother with it at all.

Because even if you can’t base budgets around it, it gives you a framework for strategies to retain people.   If you know source a (green) has better retention than source b (blue) you can start to work out where along the bell curve you want to focus your attention.  Do you want to focus your communications streams on the less engaged donors, the very engaged donors or somewhere in the middle (hint, its the latter answer, the question is where in the middle).  We’ll look at the bell curve again in the near future as were only scrapping the surface of what it can tell you.

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